A Service of Softnik Technologies

String Search and the LIKE condition

Like operator allows you to pick only the domains that are "like" whatever you specify. The percent sign "%" is used as a wild card to match any possible character. For example:

[Domain] LIKE 'net%'

Will select all domain names starting with "net". Examples include netnames.com, netnames.org, etc.

[Domain] LIKE '%net%'

Will select all domain names that contain the word "web" anywhere. Examples include netnames.com, mynetname.com, domain.net, etc.

[Domain] LIKE '%net'

Will select all domain names that end with "net". Examples include myname.net, domain.net, etc. However, this will not find domains like mynet.com, skynet.org, etc.

[Domain] LIKE '%net.%'

Will select all domain names that contain "net." (without the quotes). Examples include mynet.com, skynet.org, etc.

Multiple Conditions using AND or OR

You can combine multiple conditions like so...

 [Domain] Like '%soft%' OR [Domain] Like '%comp%' AND [Domain] Like '%.com'

... to find domains that contain the words "soft" or "comp" and end in ".com".