A Service of Softnik Technologies

SSL and DNS checks for Subdomains

In addition to managing domains you can also manage any corresponding sub-domains. To add sub-domains to any domain, click the 'DNS/SSL records' tab in the lower pane. The 'Add' button in the footer of the sub-domain table is used to add sub-domains. The small 'lock' button is used to do SSL lookups.

Domain SSL Check

SSL Expiry Reports

The custom reports folder (lib/php/custom/) contains a sample report (ssl-expiry-report-sample.php) for monitoring SSL expiry dates. Rename the report to say, ssl-expiry-report.php and add it to the cron job to have SSL reports emailed to you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You may also view the report in your browser by browsing to the appropriate page.

Please visit the page on email alerts and periodic reports to learn more.

Here is the screen-shot of a sample SSL expiry report.

Domain SSL Expiry Report

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