A Service of Softnik Technologies

Import Data From CSV Files

Creating the CSV File

Watch My Domains Pro v6 family of Software requires that the CSV file contain the correct header row that identifies the column names exactly as it is in the application database.

Here is a sample CSV data that will import the domain names along with 'Notes A' and 'Notes B' columns.

Domain,Notes A,Notes B
aa00.com, "Renew", "23/10/2022" 
aa01.com, "Renew", "13/12/2022" 
aa02.com, "Undecided", "17/10/2022" 
aa03.com, "Don't Renew", "23/01/2024" 
aa04.com, "Contact Client", "02/08/2027" 

Importing From File

Use the 'Add Domains' button and select the 'From File' tab to import the CSV file contents.

Add Domains From a Text or CSV File