A Service of Softnik Technologies

Subdomains and DNS

In addition to managing domains you can also manage any corresponding sub-domains. To add sub-domains to any domain, click the 'DNS' tab in the lower pane. The 'Add' button in the footer of the sub-domain table is used to add sub-domains.

Specifying Subdomains when adding Domains

You can add full hostnames while adding domain names. If you add www.example.com, the domain example.com will be added and the subdomain www will be attached to it. If you further add demo.example.com, the subdomain demo will be attached to the existing domain example.com.

The exact identification of subdomains and domain names in hostnames are accomplished with the help of the public suffix list. Please see the link below for more details.

Public Suffix List

Automatic addition of subdomains

Watch My Domains SED build 5070 and later will try to find and add known (publicly noticed) A/CNAME records automatically. This is limited to 250 subdomains because some domains may have many thousands of A/CNAME records and adding them automatically will have unintended consequences. If there are more than 250 such entries, you will have to add them manually.

The Details Tab

The details tab in the lower pane of the domain table interface will list all the subdomains and TXT records attached to the selected domain. You can delete any unwanted subdomain or TXT records by clicking on the "x" button next to a record.

Subdomains vs TXT Record names

For each domain you can provide a set of subdomains (will be used to find A, CNAME records) and TXT record names (will be used to find TXT / SPF / DKIM / DMARC records)

How to add subdomains

Subdomains and DNS Information

Use the add button at the footer of the subdomain table to add subdomains.

Add Subdomains

You can enter only the actual subdomains and not full hostnames here. For example, don't enter


Instead enter


if you want to enter full hostnames, use the 'Add Domains' option.

Subdomains and DNS / SSL tab Table

When you attach subdomains and TXT records to a domain, it will immediately appear only under the 'Subdomain' and 'TXT Records' in the 'Details' tab and not in the SSL or DNS tables.

You will have to wait awhile for the subdomain and SSL lookups to complete. Once these lookups are completed the corresponding records will appear, if they are valid, in the DNS and SSL tables too.

SPF, DMARC and other TXT Records

Watch My Domains SED supports TXT record lookups, so you will be able to monitor your SPF and DMARC records. You can also monitor the DKIM records if you add the selectors as a TXT record name entry. You can also use the DKIM / TXT scanner to find TXT records.

Add TXT record names / selectors