A Service of Softnik Technologies

Watch My Domains SED v4 - API Guide

Comprehensive API support

One of the most important additions to Watch My Domains SED v4 is the comprehensive API support that makes it easy to build your own user interface and not use the default interface at all.

You can also use the API to integrate data from the domain database into your sites and applications.


Requests to the Watch My Domains SED v4 API are sent to the following URL:

https://<install path>/api.php
  • The API is stateful.
  • The requests should be sent over https (secure socket) for security.
  • The API responses are always in JSON format.
  • The API call was successful if response contains status:ok.

API URL Structure

Most calls to the API URL will have the following structure

https://<install path>/api.php?c=command&t=target&oper=operation

For example, the following is used to get the user list.


PHP and Session IDs

You may also want to have a look at this blog post.

Watch My Domains SED API and PHP session id