A Service of Softnik Technologies

Fully Managed Watch My Domains SED

Use the form on the right / below to request a free fully managed Watch My Domains SED installation. We will keep the installation active for as long as you require, within reasonable limits, for evaluating the application.

The installation will be disabled if it is not first activated within 3 days of initial setup or not accessed at all for a long time.

This is a fully production level installation and you can continue to use it after purchasing the subscription, you will not lose any data you have setup during installation.

Once setup, you can add your domains and get started immediately. The installation will be ready within 4-8 hours.

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Request Evaluation Account

Please use this form only if you are 100% sure about being able to allocate the time required for evaluation. The evaluation account will be reset if the application is not accessed at-least once within the first 3 days of setup or not accessed at all for a long time.

 Used for cloud server location

 The access URL will be https://<hostname>.<ourdomain>.com

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